
2008-2-27 :: Chaos  58 :: stinkcury.



==@@@ Imox :: Thirteen Lefthanded


slugsin but to move furthers

he collapses, cuts, we reconfigure

gradual canopy what caffeine moves

station changes tribunals, brunches

jousting figures in how-do-I-get-there

what eight finsmake el Sol to join

(continued will-I-get-its, gots to get, unfrets)

Semicongenial, backto familiar workings

relax to Set Rendezvous, Little 44

hotxplosion! we sitconsumed bean

jolly last two & Awkwardbean hello

Wisdomutt & Manytoes for a quietude

Sinagain (o do!), Leftagain in stacks

trade tit for tat, unspendagain do

northbound philosophers mumblalienate

heart heart heart heart heart heart

exceptionally built, talking meta

time to dynamite in heaven


back to Book of Days


time travel

-1 .. 2008-2-26

+1 .. 2008-2-28

-7 .. 2008-2-20

+7 .. 2008-3-5

+13 .. 2008-3-12

+20 .. 2008-3-19